Shop Achieving and Sustaining an Outstanding CQC Rating
This workshop will give you an understanding of key outstanding rating characteristics set by CQC and how to create systems to evidence and sustain your rating. It is important that the preparatory work before your next inspection is done in such a way that it truly reflects the positive aspects of your service and the people involved in making your service special.
The workshop will cover the core regulations that are required to ensure that a ‘solid good’ can be achieved and then overlay this with the outstanding characteristics that you can adopt in your own service. There are common denominators of outstanding services; having a well-supported outstanding manager, having sufficient resources invested in the service and a clear vision from director/provider level. We will look at how to build your own sustainability plan and keep it under review in a practical way. We will also give you ideas on how to manage a CQC inspection in a way that will keep the focus on all the outstanding areas of care.
Sharing from our own portfolio of experience, we will cover innovative ways in which services have achieved and sustained CQC Outstanding rating. We will draw on National best practice guidance and look at various innovations.
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