The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

The New CQC Framework – A Year in Review for Health and Social Care Providers

Top Tips for your CQC Inspection

Published On:

8 June 2018

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CQC inspections can be a very unnerving time not only for providers and managers but for all the staff too. It is important that providers, manager and staff are prepared for the inspection and really promote the great work the service does.

We would advise you should take a 3-pronged approach to any upcoming CQC inspection.

1) Pre-inspection (when PIR is received) –

* A mock CQC inspection should be carried out, either by an external company or by a competent person within the company. This should include speaking with staff, managers, visitors, and most importantly residents. It should look at all areas across the 5 domains, as the CQC would and give a truthful view of the service. A continuous improvement plan should be set up form any actions identified.

* The mock inspection should identify areas for staff training. Flash training can be giving to up date knowledge on MCA/DoLS, Consent, Dignity and person-centred care. Train staff how to behave and manage themselves during inspection i.e. don’t panic, promote their own knowledge and the home.

* Set up inspection file – Include items such as improvement plan, audit schedules and evidence. Lessons learnt & reflective practices, and examples of “what we do well”.

* PIR – Be truthful, be specific, give feedback from stakeholders, be realistic about improvements to commit to and get it submitted on time!

2) Day of the Inspection

* Own the day – make the inspectors feel welcome, do not shy away!

* Follow the inspection plan or inspection protocol

* Ensure you get written and verbal feedback – make notes, ask questions and offer further evidence if there is uncertainty

*De-brief the staff

3) Post Inspection –

* Don’t wait for the draft report, use the feedback to create an action plan from any items noted. Be specific and realistic with the action planning. Incorporate your sustainability plans into your action plan for completed items.

* Challenge the draft report where you can evidence inaccuracies of the report. Get support from a solicitor or external consultant to make a factual challenge in a non-emotional way.  Submit evidence to back up your challenges.

* Communicate with the CQC, keep them in loop of your continued progress and inform them if you are facing challenges. evolve external professional if  more support is needed. Cascade actions and deadlines (where appropriate) to staff and the team.

Following a CQC Inspection, where there are improvement to be made, energy should be focused on progressing through with actions in a realistic time frame, doing what you say you will do.  Care 4 Quality can conduct pre-CQC mock inspections, staff training, help with PIR’s post inspection support with factual accuracy challenge and action planning or even ongoing support at the service with one of our experienced consultants. For more information please get in touch . Good luck with your next inspection!

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