The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

The New CQC Framework – A Year in Review for Health and Social Care Providers

Eight items to help you through ageing

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19 June 2019

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Everyone wants to stay young forever.  However, the cruelty of time means that we will all grow older.  At Care 4 Quality we do not feel the certainty of time passing means that you should enjoy life any less.  So, in collaboration with HARTMANN Direct we present some of our best advice for helping you age well, with dignity and with positivity.

Item 1: A pair of walking shoes

Growing older does not mean you should disregard all exercise.  To maintain a healthy body into older age requires you to push through those aches and pains and continue to exercise.  Physical changes to our body mean we may feel discomfort, and we may need to adapt our approach to exercise.  However, continuing to care for your body will sharpen your mind, improve your immune system and boost your energy.

You do not have to be one of these super-human septuagenarians completing a marathon or circumnavigating the North Pole.  However, you could strap on your walking shoes and take to the hills.  Getting out and about with walking groups will help maintain your physical and mental health and prevent possible isolation with age.  Ironically, strengthening your muscles will also reduce strain on your joints, and you may find the chronic pain your suffered begins to fade.

Item 2: Some word games or maths puzzles

It will help if you keep your mind as active as your body.  You may fear cognitive decline or memory problems with age, but they are not definite, and you can do something about them. You could do the daily crossword or the sudoku.  You could participate in games of Scrabble, or you could look to solve those dastardly logic problems.

It doesn’t have to be dramatic.  You could try to do something new or different each day.  You could walk to the store via a different route one day.  You could decide to brush your teeth with the other hand or add any unusual activity to your routine to freshen your perspective.

Item 3: A guide to local college courses

One of the most depressing myths of growing older is that you cannot teach that old dog a new trick.  Learning something new, especially if it is creative, is a fantastic way to maintain mental acuity.  You could quickly look to learn to paint, play the piano, or take up a new language.  Getting older does not mean relegating yourself to memories of past experiences.  You could look to make new memories by taking up new activities.  If this feels a little too brave – then look back in time to a hobby you used to love and organise a meeting with this old friend.

Item 4: A travel brochure

If you want to mix broadening your mind and perspective with a healthy body, then you could travel.  You may not feel secure enough to go on a world tour, preferring to stay closer to home.  However, you could go on weekend trips to places you have never visited.  You could even go on day trips.  There are local community groups that will organise events and activities.  These trips will also help you keep connected.

Item 5: Learn to love your mobile phone

Staying connected is one of the most important ways of managing the ageing process.  You may resent the constant beeping of your mobile phone, and much of its workings might be a mystery.  However, maintaining a support network is one of the most critical ways of ageing well.  You will have left your job, you may not be as mobile so cannot see friends and family as much, you might have had to stop a long-loved activity – all ways we start to lose contact with people.  Maintain a social network will give you purpose and help make exercise and mental activity enjoyable.  It would be best if you aimed to spend time with one person every day, for at least some of the time.

Item 6: Look in your local newspaper

Your local newspaper will be a mine of information about events, volunteering, trips and courses you could be involved with.  It might surprise you to know that there are games and get-togethers at your local village or town hall.  You might learn that the council is looking for someone to mow the grass on the local green now and then.  In short, you could find all you need to stay connected in the local newspaper.

Item 7: Explore meditation apps

Maintaining healthy sleeping habits into old age will make a world of difference! Exercise will help you sleep, as will keeping yourself mentally active.  However, if you find it difficult to fall to sleep, try to incorporate a routine of meditating to help relax any anxieties that may keep you awake.

Item 8: Aids that help

Finally, there are products out there that can help with the consequences of ageing.  There are walking aids, incontinence pads, supports and medications.  Part of ageing well is accepting the need for these small additional aids that will overcome the challenges you might face.

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