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Care 4 Quality. Webinar – What Training Do I Need?

Published On:

3 December 2021

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The Care 4 Quality. team have announced that they will be undertaking their very first series of webinars – free for anyone to attend.

The first, taking place on Tuesday 14th December at 2.30pm and then repeated on Thursday 16th December at 10.30am, will be titled, “What Training Do I Need?”

The webinars will be held every month on a different subject matter and hosted by a different member of the team to showcase everyone’s varied knowledge and expertise.

The idea behind the series of webinars is to inform our clients and the wider public on what you can expect when dealing with the Care Quality Commissions’ regulatory requirements.

What Can I Expect from this Month’s Webinar?

This month’s webinar is presented by our Head of Client Relations, Gabi Ashton, and our Head of Policies & Procedures, Natasha Heasman.

This webinar will be focused on the different kinds of training required in order to deliver an exceptional regulated service and will be covering the following topics:

  • Registered Manager Training
  • Adult Social Care Training
  • Primary Care/Independent Clinics
  • Training Matrix
  • Training Policies
  • Inspections & Ongoing Compliance

Will There Be an Opportunity to Ask Questions?

Yes, there will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Following the delivery of the webinar material there will also be a Q&A session for attendees to put questions to the hosts.

You can also use this as an opportunity to provide any feedback you may have and any suggestions for future webinars.

How Do I Register My Interest?

This webinar will be conducted via MS Teams and is free for anyone to join so please register your attendance using the registration forms below:

Tuesday 14th December @ 2.30pm – Register your interest.

Thursday 16th December @ 10.30am – Register your interest.

Request a Callback with Our Specialist Team!

Leave your contact details along with a few lines about the nature of your enquiry and a specialist member of our team will get in touch.

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