The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

The New CQC Framework – A Year in Review for Health and Social Care Providers

How the right staff can help improve your CQC inspection rating

Published On:

20 March 2019

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In Summer 2018, the Care Quality Commission released its Driving Improvement report about individuals who have made a difference in adult social care services. In it, they explore how several failing adult social care services managed to improve their CQC rating. They did this simply by recruiting, supporting and retaining effective and compassionate staff.


When the Driving Improvement report was released, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe, said: “My hope is that people running or working in care services rated as inadequate or requires improvement can use these case studies as practical guidance to improve for the benefit of the people they support and care for.”



Care 4 Quality. believe investing resources into finding and holding on to high-quality staff is the key to improvement. Here are three important ways we support organisations to think differently about the staff they employ to achieve a positive CQC inspection rating.



Bring in good leadership

Good leadership really matters when it comes to delivering improvements. Most of the providers involved in the Driving Improvement report commented that a new manager was brought in to deliver a new way of thinking. Outside consultancy can also be helpful when setting fresh parameters for existing staff, service users and their families.


Create better care plans

Overhauling care plan procedures and systems makes a big difference. Plans must be detailed and focused on person-centred care. Care staff can only be expected to deliver enthusiastic and supportive care if they really understand their clients’ needs.


Change the culture

Struggling organisations tend to collapse inwards. This creates internal cultures where staff begin to fear speaking out and managers find it hard to listen. Involving staff in improvement discussions is one of the best ways to turn this type of problematic organisational culture around.


Care homes and home care providers need to look further to find skilled and experienced staff to help improve services. That might mean a corporate provider, a commissioning body, or an outside agency like Care 4 Quality. who are resourced and experienced to provide professional services and training to improve the effectiveness of staff, keep raising standards and improve service.

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