The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

The New CQC Framework – A Year in Review for Health and Social Care Providers

How to prepare for your CQC inspection

Published On:

19 September 2019

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One of the most daunting experiences for any health and social care practice is the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection. However, the inspection process can be easy and swift if certain measures are taken. One of the key factors that ensures a good process of inspection is taking ample time to prepare for inspection day. In this article, we will explain some of the things to consider when preparing for your CQC inspection.

Identify staff members to take part in the CQC inspection

It is important for the health facility managers to identify its members who will take part in the inspection. In many cases, the senior partner, lead nurse, infection control and the registered manager always lead at a minimum. However, it is ideal to have as many team members available during the process to walk the inspectors through the practice’s processes. It is also important for the team members as it helps them learn about their own responsibilities, how to contribute to the ethos of the practice and develop professionally.

Preparing the staff for the inspection

The best way to impress your inspection team is by preparing your staff. Care staff training and preparation entails telling them about how the inspection will play out and how best to represent your practice. It also includes letting them know about the questions to expect and how to answer them. Preparation allows your staff to feel more confident on the day and prepare for whatever may be thrown at them.

Patient preparation and feedback

It is important to note that patients are the biggest assets in any health facility. As such, it is only normal for the inspectors to question them and get their views. Ask your Patient Participation Group (PPG) if there are any of its members that would like to take part in the inspection process and get their views of the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs). Bear in mind that patients will always offer honest opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the practice so try not to worry too much about this and just do your best to control the aspects you can, such as ensuring that your team is briefed and that things run as smoothly as possible.

Gathering evidence

The inspection team may ask to see a large amount of documentation and paperwork. Some of the documents the CQC may ask for include patients’ information and policies. The CQC may also want proof that safeguarding and monitoring vulnerable patients, integrated working and significant events are among some of the issues discussed within the practice. In turn, they may ask for evidence of any actions taken to reduce risks associated with these issues. Make sure you know where to find this information and that it is quickly to hand in case it is required.

The best way to prepare for a CQC inspection is to run a practice drill. At Care 4 Quality., we can provide you with a mock CQC inspection so that you can see where your strengths and weaknesses lie before the real thing. To find out more, contact us today.

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