Shop Good Governance Bundle (25 items) Audit, Trackers and Documents – £149.99
£149.99 Ex VAT
This huge bundle of documents (25 items included), toolkits, trackers, audits and checklists will support in your governance processes.
In developing the governance bundle we really took into account the key aspects of the managers role and guidance that is set out in the Key Lines of Enquiry and are underpinned by the Health and Social Care Act. With the focus on Regulation 17 – Good Governance we have built a bundle to support managers in achieving the key points of the regulation.
The regulation states that ‘Providers must have effective governance, including assurance and auditing systems or processes.’ To achieve this, we have provided audits and trackers.
Trackers, Logs and Checklists:
To ensure progression within the service we have provided you with an Action Plan which can be updated with the outcomes from the audits, feedback and observations and reviewed at the governance meeting.
The documents link to what learning was taken from your findings which clearly links to Regulation 17, in ensuring progression, sustainability and learning within the service. This bundle will give you the tools you need to embed the practice set out in the Good Governance Policy.
Additional Documents:
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