The Natural Choice for Bespoke Healthcare Compliance

The Natural Choice for Bespoke Health and Social Care Compliance

The New CQC Framework – A Year in Review for Health and Social Care Providers

Training and Induction Policy (PTS) £35

£35.00 Ex VAT


We know you believe in providing the highest quality service possible for all your service users by creating a relaxed, welcoming, and comfortable atmosphere where those in our care are treated with respect, dignity and compassion by a well-trained, motivated and professional team who are aware of their legal, ethical and moral duties.

One of the key features of good and outstanding services is that they ensure new starters complete an in-depth induction programme which goes beyond the minimum standards. This ensures that team members understand the vision and values of the organisation and are equipped with the right knowledge and tools to enable them to deliver high quality care.

Benefits of good induction and training programmes also include an improvement in staff retention rates, which in turn reduces recruitment costs.

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